Last year, infamous Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz, was fired after he admitted that allegations of a sexual affair with an Islamic woman were true. Since then, Hillsong founder and CEO, Brian Houston, has been in total damage control mode as sex scandal after sex scandal has repeatedly plagued the Church and the organization’s image has become increasingly tarnished.
Following the departure of Lentz, several other revelations have come to light, including the newest revelation–that Lentz repeatedly molested and sexually abused a female staff member and blaming her for the abuse. According to a blog post by the alleged victim, Boston “pastor” Leona Kimes says that though Lentz never had intercourse with her or kissed her, he would make sexually-charged remarks to her, gaze at her body inappropriately, and physically touch her in her “intimate areas.”
As this scandal unfolded, and Lentz’s boss, Brian Houston has also been released due to his own emerging scandal involving inappropriate relationships with women, thousands of stories have been written about Lentz and his wife including several on The Dissenter.
Since June 2020, Lentz’s Facebook page has been silent and completely abandoned, with no posts or comments for over two years. Until yesterday. Yesterday, Lentz made his first public appearance on social media publishing a series of awkward family photos and announcing that he and his family were now thriving and are excited about the future.
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“Its been a challenging road but we are alive,” Lentz wrote, “we are at peace and thanks to the grace of God we are TOGETHER. Not sure what the future holds for us, but we do know that we face it as a family and for that I am so thankful. My deepest thanks to our friends and family that have shown us such unconditional love and grace when we have desperately needed it. Forever grateful.. we are hopeful about what is ahead!”

As is typical of fallen pastors, they typically step down for a short period of time to regroup, work on public relations, and then step back into the scene as though nothing has happened. We’ve seen it happen with clowns like Perry Noble, Mark Driscol, and Todd Bentley—all false teachers.
Prior to revelations about Carl’s serial adultery, his wife, Laura posted on Instagram praising him for being such a good husband and father. “I can’t imagine a better man to raise these little humans,” Laura wrote, “you are helping to shape them and bring the best out of them!! Thank you for always bringing your best for our family.”

You can rest assured that Lentz, no matter what he’s up to, is working on bringing himself back into the spotlight. But Lentz is not only disqualified for his sexual misconduct, but he is also a false teacher. Whether it be being open to affirming homosexuality, fawning over pro-abortion Democrat politicians, telling Oprah you don’t have to be a Christian to have a relationship with Christ, or overseeing a church that depicts one of the three Wisemen as a woman, there is something to be said about the qualifications of a pastor whose sole purpose in life is to advance himself and uses his church as a source of celebrity and fortune.