Last week, my friend Justin Peters joined Casey Butner to break the news that First Baptist Church in Orlando, FL, a Southern Baptist Convention church that is pastored by David Uth and co-pastored by former NAMB executive, Danny DeArmas, had baptized at least one openly gay, married-to-another-man, homosexual. We followed up with a report that you can view at this link.
Since then, The Dissenter has discovered a plethora of practicing homosexuals involved at First Baptist Orlando, and some who have joined the church.
Meet David Speight, a homosexual who began watching First Baptist Orlando on television at least seven years ago, around the time of the Pulse nightclub shooting. In the image below, you can see speight responding to a post by Danny DeArmas. In this Facebook post, he comments that he is from a “gay household.”

At the time, Speight was then invited to come and visit the church. Fast forward seven years later, David Speight is now an active member of one of FBC Orlando’s bible study groups, the same group that Joe Mills (the homosexual-married man Justin and The Dissenter reported on previously) is an admin of. Speight is not just a member of this Bible study group, he is also an admin:
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Okay, so Speight is a member of this Bible study group. So what? Well, he’s also a member of the church. Here, in April of 2018, Speight is spotted and tagged in a Facebook post from FBC Orlando going through the church’s “next steps” membership class.

This is Speight on the left sitting in a group with other prospective members, laughing it up, having a good ole’ time, and pretending like nothing is going on behind the scenes.

That was all in April of 2018. Fast forward to December of 2019, over a year-and-a-half later, First Baptist Orlando announces that Speight is now a “new member” of the church:

So who exactly is David Speight? Has he repented of his gay lifestyle? Does he still live in a “gay household”? According to his Facebook profile, he’s still living with another homosexual man and openly flaunting his gay lifestyle. In fact, nearly every single one of his Facebook pictures on his profile show pictures of him and his gay lover doing gay things.
Here is a picture of Speight and his “husband” at the Candlelight Christmas Eve service just this past December.

And here they are again just this past Easter, again at FBC Orlando celebrating.

And there is more to come. We have found other pictures of other gay and lesbian couples who are active members of First Baptist Church Orlando.