God is exposing the hypocritical Evangelical leaders who have been harping on conservatives for years insisting that there is no immorality in professing Christians voting for the Democrat Party. We’ve argued for years that voting for Democrats is incompatible with biblical Christianity and those who partake in this evil unrepentantly should be placed under church discipline.
Despite this, we’ve continued to hear from the Evangelical talking-heads repeatedly that either way one decides to vote, there are equally moral and principled reasons for doing so, so we shouldn’t judge those who vote differently than us.
Despite the fact that Democrats want to expand abortion, push homosexuality down our throats, and put in place policies of grand theft and redistribution, these Evangelicals, and particularly, Southern Baptists, continued their rhetoric that it is morally acceptable to vote for these people. Southern Baptist president, JD Greear, said it’s great while Mark Dever argued that not accepting the positive morality of voting Democrat is racially divisive. And David Platt went as far as to tell people that they should leave his church if they opposed making room for voting Democrat. And a well-known Southern Baptist seminary professor said that he would “bless” people who vote for Joe Biden.
The common theme between all of them: that conservatives have no power to do anything about abortion, don’t want to do anything about abortion, and that Democrats care more about “justice” issues for minorities, therefore, voting for Democrats can be morally justified.
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Hogwash! And we’ve been saying that for years. And now, it’s being proven. In the wake of the conservative overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats are scrambling to salvage what they can of their religious sacrament of child sacrifice known as abortion. And, God has exposed the Evangelicals’ lies on the acceptability and moral equivalency of both parties—that argument can no longer be made.
Here is what the Democrats promise to do if re-elected and given more power in November:

Now, can David Platt, JD Greear, Mark Dever, Tim Keller, Dwight McKissic, and all the other Evangelical leaders who have relentlessly argued for unity between “Democrat Christians” and conservative Christians continue to make this case? I suspect that those names will either quickly shift gears or be exposed as frauds.