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SBC Seminary Head Says Southern Baptist Churches Should NOT Have to Affirm Our Statement of Faith

by | Jun 16, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Occasionally, when scrolling through social media, I can’t help but wonder how some people repeatedly get voted into positions of power with such immense levels of colossal stupidity. Time after time, I see Southern Baptist leaders say things that just completely baffle me and defy any rational thinking or reasoning.

The Lord, through the prophet Malachi, warned the priests of Israel that their continued disobedience and disregard for Him and His truth would bring swift destruction upon their heads. God will not be mocked. God was so infuriated by the false shepherding committed by these priests that he threatened to smear animal feces on their faces and curse their offspring for generations to come.

Behold, I will rebuke your offspring, and spread dung on your faces, the dung of your offerings, and you shall be taken away with it. –Malachi 2:3

Nothing could be more clear than this depiction of God’s disgust with the supposed shepherds of His people being led astray by self-seeking spiritual leaders. Yet, today, we have a perfect parallel of this passage taking place right before our eyes in the Southern Baptist Convention and God’s wrath is being poured out among it.

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Adam Greenway, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and one of the leading progenitors of the Mindless Baptist Convention™ movement, has been at the forefront of not only defending but also cooking up stupidity and feeding it to the people. During this week’s annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, Greenway—who has relentlessly defended former SBC president, Ed Litton’s serial plagiarism—did not come up short. This week, he went out of his way to defend churches that ordain women as pastors and has denounced the idea that member churches of the Southern Baptist Convention should be required to adhere to the Convention’s statement of faith.

As we wrote yesterday, after the SBC Credentials Committee, which is led by a woman, opted against recommending disfellowshipping Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church for ordaining women pastors, Greenway went out of his way to defend that decision.

He then went on to double down on that and take it even further by arguing that the Southern Baptist Convention’s statement of faith actually prohibits requiring member churches to adhere to the statement of faith. After a social media user suggested amending the SBC Constitution to require churches to adhere, he posted:

But this is how this is dumb: the Southern Baptist Convention is not imposing a confession of faith on the churches by requiring them to adhere to for cooperation. Churches are free at any time to stop cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention. The SBC holds no authority over these churches and merely sets standards by which cooperating churches must meet to be eligible for that cooperation. Imposition supposes force or demand that is by definition inescapable. It’s really that simple.

Further, by Greenway’s logic, where would the line for cooperation be drawn? Can a church be gay-affirming with openly and practicing homosexuals in their pulpits? Can a church preach heresy; or deny the Trinity? Does the church even have to be Baptist? Can a Presbyterian church, a Seventh-Day Adventist church, or a Mormon church join?

Greenway’s logic isn’t biblical; it isn’t even intelligent. It is rooted in his own arrogance and lack of biblical conviction. He doesn’t care about the students he leads or the denomination. He only cares about advancing his career by making himself popular with the masses by standing for what the world stands for and calling it Christianity.

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