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The Gospel Coalition Author Defends Jackie Hill Perry For Praising Louis Farrakhan

by | May 23, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social Unrest, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Jackie Hill Perry, who recently made headlines after claiming that “God primarily deals with her in dreams,” says that you don’t need “discernment bloggers” to teach you how to spot false teachings.

In 2018, Hill Perry was featured in a prominent and widely-viewed “discernment” film titled American Gospel, which turned the spotlight largely on the Word of Faith gospel that has infected the American Church. Unfortunately, while this film did feature a number of solid, biblically sound teachers, pastors, and church leaders, including men like Paul Washer, John MacArthur, and Voddie Baucham, sadly, it included a number of compromised church leaders as well, including John Piper and Matt Chandler.

Since then, Hill Perry has continued to slide into complete and total apostasy, knowing what the gospel is but failing to believe it. Instead, she’s been out race-baiting, releasing rap videos claiming that those who preach against CRT are going to Hell, and praising the notorious anti-semitic racist rabble-rouser, Louis Farrakhan.

Amid the Buffalo shooting, in a now-deleted Tweet, Jackie Hill Perry praised Farrakhan:

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And after a ton of backlash, and rightly so, from Christians, she decided to check out of Twitter altogether.

As noted by Protestia, “Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) the largest Black Nationalist Organization in the United States, claiming about 50,000 members. It is also a religious movement that functionally serves as the mirror to the KKK- a black supremacist hate group that routinely preaches anti-Semitism and racial prejudice against white people, teaching that black folk are naturally and innately superior.”

Which brings us to Rebecca McLaughlin.

A prominent LGBTQ activist that TGC relentlessly promotes is Rebecca McLaughlin. McLaughlin, herself, openly admits that she is romantically attracted to other women. During this presentation at The Gospel Coalition, she states, “I’ve been romantically attracted to women since childhood, and if I were not a Christian I’d likely be married to a woman, not a man.” Like Hill Perry, her only qualification to ministry is that she used to openly practice lesbianism which now qualifies them to lecture the Church on sexual morality.

McLaughlin, unsurprisingly, took to Twitter to defend Hill Perry after she bowed out:

Here’s what I would say: we certainly do have problems. Serious problems. Problems much bigger than Jackie Hill Perry leaving Twitter. Our problem is that we’ve allowed false teachers and liberal activists to invade the ranks of the Church and go largely untouched. Instead, they’ve been propped up, given platforms, and led countless others to follow them. These people are exactly what Jude warned about, “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” Instead of purging these people from among us, we have allowed them to destroy us.

As Phil Johnson noted on Twitter, “when someone who is perpetually platformed by Big Eva starts pointing people to Louis Farrakhan as a source of factual & spiritual insight, that’s all the proof you need that Big Eva & Woke dogma have passed their use-by date.”

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