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Andy Stanley Releases Trailer for New Book Promoting Unity Between Conservatives and Godless Political Leftists

by | Apr 27, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, Feminism, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Andy Stanley is releasing a new book called Not In It to Win It that promotes a superficial unity between conservatives and progressives. In the trailer, Stanley accuses the Church of taking political sides and creating divisions within the body because Christians more than anything else fear losing.

“Isn’t it true that nothing divides us quite like politics?” Stanley asks in the trailer. “Do you know why nothing divides us quite like politics? Because nothing divides us quite like fear. And unfortunately, the current political climate is fueled by so much fear.”

He then goes on to say that what we fear most is loss of wealth, control, opportunity, future for our children, and loss of our freedoms. He then accused the Church of failing to model what it looks like to “disagree politically and love unconditionally.”

“When the Church chooses a side, we’ve sided against people on the other side,” Stanley claims, “and in that moment, we elevate our potentially flawed political views over ‘yous.’ The ‘you’ beside you. The ‘you’ that lives across the street from you. And the ‘you’ that’s nothing like you.”

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But what is the reality here? Is it really possible for Christians to disagree politically and remain united in our faith? The short answer is no, it’s impossible. And while it’s possible not to support a particular political candidate in either party, it is not possible to be politically liberal or progressive while still being a Christian.

The fact of the matter is that Christianity doesn’t land somewhere in the middle of the political left-right spectrum. The Scriptures are, in fact, the standard of conservatism; you cannot be more conservative than the Scriptures. Anything that deviates from the Scriptures in any way is liberalism. So, as Christians, when we boil down our political beliefs, we look at political issues and we are obligated to understand and hold to what the Scriptures speak about these issues. And the Scriptures are always going to be conservative.

Let’s be clear: your political positions, activism, or support have no bearing on your salvation–zero. However, if you claim to be a Christian, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures say that you will be given a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26) and you are being sanctified unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). So let me spell this out for you. This means you cannot be a Christian while supporting the slaughter of innocent children, gay rights, gay propaganda, “gay Christianity,” theft (redistribution of wealth), lawlessness (i.e. open borders), a complete and total lack of individual responsibility (i.e. nanny state welfare system, single-payer insurance, etc.), or the endless sweeping away of our right to worship God freely. If you support this godless ideology, or support candidates that do, don’t expect the true Church to treat you as a fellow Christian.

This is why it is impossible for Christians to support Democrats. Of course, the Republican party is far from perfect, but its policies are much more in line with biblical principles than the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party is the complete antithesis to the Biblical standard of conservatism, which is why it is impossible to be Christian and Democrat.

This is just more of the progressives’ attempt at turning Evangelicalism blue. The Scriptures command the Church to purge unrepentant leftists from among our ranks. We must be united around biblical truth, not superficiality. The only biblical response for the Church is to divide from leftists. Period.

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