Grant Gaines, who has become one of the most notorious Southern Baptist Convention ladder-climbers in recent years, and son of former Southern Baptist Convention president, Steve Gaines, has made a ludicrous comparison of a race-baiting false teacher to the late R.C. Sproul.
Dwight McKissic, a Southern Baptist pastor, is a strong supporter of both the current Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton, and the former president, JD Greear, despite the web of scandals they’ve been repeatedly tangled in. For McKissic, the fact that these two men prioritize social justice and racialism is enough for him to blindly support them at all costs.
McKissic is one of Ed Litton’s most outspoken defenders when it comes to Litton’s serial plagiarism scandal that he’s been embroiled in since last June. But being Litton’s chief apologist isn’t the only controversy that McKissick is known for. He’s also one of the Southern Baptist Convention’s premier race-baiters.
Dwight McKissic–who made headlines earlier this year for his departure of the Texas Southern Baptists (though he’s still technically part of the Southern Baptist Convention) not because it was too liberal, which it is, but because it wasn’t liberal enough for him.
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Dwight McKissic, a racist, anti-gospel charismatic tongue-babbling black nationalist who masquerades as a shepherd of God’s people, has done more to harm the body of Christ than possibly any other Southern Baptist pastor in history. McKissic, a Marxist and a socialist egalitarian, has regularly traded the gospel and the mission of the Church for social activism, called for slave reparations, and repeatedly maligned true defenders of the faith as “racists” and “white supremacists.”
Not only has McKissic stated that the founders of the Southern Baptist Convention were not saved because they were slave-holders and that their history must be eradicated, but he has also argued that voting for pro-abortion Democrats is no different than voting for Republicans who want to “place children in cages.”
Dwight McKissic’s entire ministry and pastorate revolve around denigrating Christians, conservatives, and White people—both theologically and politically—while promoting leftist causes.
Despite this, McKissic was paraded across the stage by Adam Greenway at the prominent Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Greenway, who tweeted out in 2018 that whoever he platforms at his school’s chapel is whatever his school aspires to become, has now platformed McKissic.
And after receiving a ton of backlash over his decision to platform a race-baiting, tongue-babbling charismatic false teacher who hates White people and conservatives, Grant Gaines, one of the self-appointed leaders of the SBC #churchtoo movements, took to Twitter to not only defend McKissic but to compare him to R.C. Sproul.

Of course, he would do that, because…why wouldn’t he? Seriously, though. We’re comparing a racist false teacher to a faithful preacher of God’s word? A man with no biblical integrity to a man who upheld the Christian doctrines unashamedly? A man who perverts and twists the Scriptures to a man who held the Word of God in the highest authority?
McKissic’s errors are not equivalent to doctrinal differences on baptism. McKissic’s errors lead to deconstruction and apostasy.
This is not just what this school aspires to become, it’s what the vast majority of the current leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention aspires to become. These people are so engulfed in the “woke church” movement that they’re willing to sacrifice their own integrity and the integrity of the denomination before God in order to preserve their own Kingdoms and their own idol of false unity. This has been dubbed Unity Over Integrity™ and should become the Southern Baptist Convention’s new motto.