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SBC Pastor Says Founders of Southern Baptist Seminary Were Not Saved, History Must be Eradicated

by | Jul 13, 2020 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Dwight McKissic, a racist, anti-gospel charismatic tongue-babbling black nationalist who masquerades as a shepherd of God’s people has done more to harm the body of Christ than possibly any other Southern Baptist pastor in history. McKissic, a Marxist and a socialist egalitarian, has regularly traded the gospel and the mission of the Church for social activism, called for slave reparations, and repeatedly maligned true defenders of the faith as “racists” and “white supremacists.”

Dwight McKissic is a notable proponent of Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, and identity politics, and expressed his gratitude for the leadership of FBC Naples last year for throwing their church members who voted against a black pastor under the bus and publicly charging them with racism. It turned out that the congregation simply did not want to introduce “woke” theology into their congregation and simply wanted the Scriptures to be rightly handled by their lead pastor.

Now, McKissic is calling on Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president, Al Mohler, to remove all memorabilia of the school’s founders from the campus because, well, they were not “orthodox” because they were slave holders.

In a piece at SBC Voices — an echo chamber for the radical leftwing Southern Baptist movement — McKissic writes in an open letter to Mohler,

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Currently, the BFM2K is the standard for doctrinal orthodoxy in the culture and life of the SBC. The founders of SBTS could not and would not meet the qualifications of being classified as orthodox, because they could not affirm the BFM2K, Section III, “Man.”

Therefore, based on SBC’s doctrinal statement, these men cannot be classified as orthodox. To label these men as “orthodox” radically redefine the historic meaning and usage of the term.

He then calls on Mohler to remove all memorabilia of these men, such as James Pettigru Boyce, John Broadus, Basil Manly, and William Williams from the campus.

Why? The founders should be acknowledged and appreciated for their role in the establishment and development of SBTS. However, it is biblically inappropriate to celebrate them though, due to the following reason(s): Because of the patriarchy, prejudice, and the promotion of “putrid exegesis,” practiced and preached by the founders of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, their names need to be removed from the Seminary as memorabilia; this includes the names of Boyce College, Broadus Chapel, and any other places where the names of the founders are displayed, including coffee mugs.

Of course, this is absurd at every level. To deny the orthodoxy of someone based on their status as a slaveholder is to abandon all biblical exegesis and, instead, embrace cultural theology rooted in secular humanism and postmodernism. To make his leap, he would have to condemn Philemon, a slave holder, to whom the Apostle Paul clearly treats as an “orthodox” brother in Christ (See Philemon 1:1-3).

But the Scriptures and the Bible are not the foundation of McKissic’s faith. His god is the god of Critical Race Theory, Marxism, feminism, and socialism.

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