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Francis Chan Attempts to Portray Communion as “Intercourse” With God

by | Apr 5, 2022 | News, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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You probably know by now that the once semi-sound, semi-Reformed graduate of Master’s Seminary has completely abandoned the faith to embrace a false gospel, surround himself with false teachers, and proclaim a false Jesus. There should be absolutely no doubt in any Bible-believing Christian’s mind at this point that Francis Chan himself is, in fact, a false teacher.

That being said, it’s still fascinating to watch the progression that Chan is taking as he buries himself deeper and deeper into spiritual poison.

Chan, who made our False Teacher of the Day #22, has embedded himself with Roman Catholics, charismatics, and has embraced such spiritual folly as tongues, prophecies, and even faith healings. At one ecumenical event with Roman Catholics, Chan removed his shoes on stage while several Catholic priests pray over him. At the same event, Chan declined to share the gospel with a Catholic, stating “I don’t believe the Holy Spirit wants me to.” Chan also has embraced the Roman Catholic heresy of transubstantiation.

In fact, it is only by his embrace of transubstantiation that he is able to come up with this crazy idea that somehow, communion is “intercourse” with God. For those with the proper understanding of the symbolic nature of communion, one cannot conclude something as absurd and perverse as what Francis Chan is attempting to communicate in the message below.

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I don’t know if that’s the way he meant it, but it is an absolutely absurd way to communicate this passage and he sure didn’t communicate it in a way that people would come away with a proper understanding of this passage.

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