UPDATE: Kyle Rittenhouse found NOT GUILTY on all charges against him on Friday, November 19, 2021.
We’re all probably aware by now of the trial taking place in Kenosha, WI, regarding Kyle Rittenhouse and his clear and appropriate acts of self-defense last year during an anti-police riot where several white men attempted to disarm and kill him as he was exercising his Constitutional rights and freedoms. Several slanderous propaganda pieces from mainstream news outlets–like CNN, the NY Times, and MSNBC, among many others–came out accusing Rittenhouse, a white man who shot and killed two other white men in self-defense, of racism and white supremacy.
While it is not uncommon for the secular left to run these false propaganda pieces against conservatives, another notable article was an article written by K. Edward Copeland, a black pastor in Rockford, IL, at The Gospel Coalition.
The article, titled Why I Hate August, compared Kyle Rittenhouse, a man who shot white men out of self-defense, to Dylan Roof, a self-proclaimed white supremacist with a stated goal of starting a race war, and who opened fire in a black church killing 9 black people.
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In 2020, when the article was published, we along with many others called on The Gospel Coalition to pull the article. Not only was the article blatantly false, it only served to smear the character and intentions of Kyle Rittenhouse, who is clearly innocent, and deprive him of a fair trial–a Constitutional right. The article is outright slanderous, everybody knows this, yet, The Gospel Coalition as of today refuses to pull the article.
Further, others have attempted to reach out to The Gospel Coalition’s chief editor, Matt Smethurst, to try to get him to acknowledge the slanderous piece and pull it from the site. So far, according to William Wolfe, Smethurst has ignored his requests.

Smethurst has a history of being anti-political so long as it is politically expedient for him to do so. Smethurst, an outspoken anti-Trump leftist, tweeted the following in response to right-wingers who placed their stamp of approval on Paula White simply because she was pro-Trump.

While I agree with that tweet on principle, the hypocrisy lies when you only enforce this sentiment when it furthers your own political cause. Seemingly, Smethurst is throwing his endorsement behind Copeland’s slanderous hit piece at The Gospel Coalition because removing it would force him and his organization to admit that the racial narrative–that props up The Gospel Coalition’s social justice agenda–has been wrong the entire time. Further, just look at Smethurst’s Twitter account to see how many times he’s denounced “slander.”
So, once again, we call on The Gospel Coalition as well as K. Edward Copeland–pastor of New Zion Baptist Church–to remove the article and issue a retraction. The unwillingness to do so will only serve to show who your “real god” is.