In the pantheon of modern prosperity preachers, few people are as brazen or as voraciously money-hungry as Jesse...
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Results for "jesse duplantis"
Jesse Duplantis Said God Changed the Words of the Constitution at the Last Minute Before Signing
The notion that God has a unique covenant with America, as Jesse Duplantis suggested in his Flashpoint conference...
Jesse Duplantis Claims to be “Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” in Christmas Sermon
Jesse Duplantis, a spiritual crack dealer and a self-proclaimed spiritual leader and proponent of the prosperity...
Jesse Duplantis Says Jesus Will Tell People to Go to Hell If They Don’t Believe Prosperity Gospel
Spiritual crack dealer, Jesse Duplantis, is at it again. A few weeks ago, Duplantis made headlines after telling his...
Jesse Duplantis Says Give to Him to Speed Up Jesus’ Return
Jesse Duplantis, who says the prosperity gospel only works when you give to him, now says giving to him will speed up...
Jesse Duplantis Says the Prosperity Gospel Only Works When You Give to Him, Not the Needy
Jesse Duplantis, a serial Scripture-twister, a liar, and a wicked deceiver who bilks his followers for millions upon...
Revealed: Church of SC Pastor Non-Chalantly Preached About Wife’s “Suicide” Owns a Private Jet and Millions in Assets
If you've been following the unfolding scandal surrounding the alleged suicide of Mica Miller, the wife of South...
Heresy of the Day #22: Kenoticism (Kenosis Theory)
Heresy: KenoticismKenoticism, also known as Kenosis Theory, or simply as Kenosis, is a Christological heresy that...
Five Marks of a False Teacher
In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith,...
Creflo Dollar Admits He’s Taught Falsely on Tithing But Says He Won’t Apologize for It
A few years ago, famous and wealthy well-known prosperity charlatan, Benny Hinn announced that he'd been teaching...
False Teacher of the Day #44: Lisa Harper
False teachers are everywhere and range from mild and subtle to outright, rank heretics who obviously feed off of...
18 Signs of Apostasy
by Matt Sherro There is a danger that has come into the sheepfold; apostates have come in and they probably have...
Top 10 Richest Pastors in 2021 is Out, and Some of Them Might Surprise You
Despite the fact that the wealth of the average person has severely declined since the COVID-19 lockdowns began in...
Heresy of the Day #8: Montanism
Heresy: Montanism Montanism is a heresy that was denounced by the 2nd-century Church after its founder, Montanus,...
Kenneth Copeland Says God Told Him His Private Jet Didn’t Belong to God, But to Him
Televangelist and false prophet, Kenneth Copeland, has spent the last several years defending himself as he has bilked...
Creflo Dollar Says If You Tithe, It’s Impossible to Go to Hell
If you don't know who Creflo Dollar is, consider yourself lucky. But, in case you're curious, he's one of the elite...
After Bragging About Private Jet, Kenneth Copeland Prays to Satan
"Hello Satan, how are you ... Mr. Zero." Kenneth Copeland has been the center of controversy since we first reported...
Kenneth Copeland Gets Caught Off Guard Defending Lavish Lifestyle
In 2015, I broke the story of Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis defending their purchase of private jets and lavish...
Kenneth Copeland: We’re Prosperity Agents, We’re Supposed to Have Money
Kenneth Copeland, one of the most notorious false prophets in modern times is well-known for is charismatic self-help...
Kenneth Copeland: “The Lord Told Me I Will Preach Until I’m 120”
Please be sure to follow us on Facebook. Pseudo-religious leaders have been watering down the gospel since the...

I Bet You Didn’t Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the “Gay Christian” Ministry
I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After...

Remember the “Vaccine Redeems an Abortion” Guy? His Curriculum Was Funded by USAID Too
I hesitate to continue writing about Donald Trump, as I want to be clear that I do not view him as any kind of messianic figure, savior of the nation, or a “Christian” hero. He is not—he is simply the result of a nation that is, if nothing but for a momentary reprieve...

Opinion: If You Really Want to Help Refugees, Kick Them Out of Our Nation
There’s a cabal of evangelical leftists parading around as champions of compassion—valiant knights charging into battle against the cold-hearted, unfeeling forces that dare to suggest a sovereign nation not only has the right but the duty to control its own borders....

Satan Casts Out Satan, and Bethel Church Casts Out Shawn Bolz
It was only a matter of time before Bethel Church, the grand cathedral of charismatic charlatanry, decided to throw one of its own to the wolves. And who better than Shawn Bolz—a man whose entire career has been built on the kind of “prophecy” that conveniently aligns...
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