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Pro-Gay Feminist Episcopal Priestess Preaches at Prominent PCA Church in New York

by | Nov 3, 2021 | Feminism, News, Opinion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is the supposed “conservative” Presbyterian denomination as opposed to the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), the flaming, godless, radical leftist hell-hole of a professing Christian denomination. Like the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)–the Baptist counterpart to mainstream Evangelicalism–the PCA has been on a left-wing trajectory for a number of years.

The PCA began to start embracing the LGBTQ movement around the same time that Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention began platforming Sam Allberry and the Living Out “gay Christian” ministry through the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The PCA, instead, largely platformed Revoice–another “gay Christian” movement which was only slightly worse than Living Out, but both movements ended up practically merging in the end.

It’s not surprising that these movements exist, but what has caught many off guard is that the last two mainstream “conservative” denominations in the nation have seemingly traded the gospel to embrace this new gay-affirming sexual ethic and began baptizing it with Christian speak.

Many conservatives started fighting back after blogs like Reformation Charlotte, Pulpit & Pen, and Capstone Report began exposing this. In fact, the leftist trajectory of Russell Moore relentlessly exposed by these publications ultimately led to Moore’s resignation and consignment to the apostate “Christian” magazine, Christianity Today.

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Yet, the PCA appears to still be on a collision course without recourse as the highest court in the PCA recently ruled that churches under its jurisdiction are not breaking any rules by hosting Revoice “gay Christian” conferences.

It’s no doubt that this ruling had an effect throughout the denomination as other PCA churches appear to be on a continual leftward slide as well. This past Sunday, on October 31–Reformation Day–Trinity Church, a prominent PCA congregation in New York, hosted a radical feminist pro-homosexual priestess named Fleming Rutledge.

Rutledge teaches that repentance isn’t a necessary requirement of salvation, but instead, conflates it with a perversion of the doctrine of sanctification and says that repentance is a gradual process after repentance. Her logical conclusion of this false teaching is that churches can be filled with born-again, practicing homosexuals–even in leadership positions–and that true repentance isn’t a necessary pre-condition to salvation.

Not only is her view of repentance unbiblical, it completely flies in the face of what the Presbyterian Church–and any Reformed Church or even conservative Evangelical Church, for that matter–teaches. Rutledge was one of the first female priestesses to be ordained in the Episcopal Church. She was ordained to the diaconate in 1975 and has been spreading her feminist heresy ever since.

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