The new Evangelical Sexual Revolution is a term that was coined by Reformation Charlotte to expose the movement within...
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Results for "living out allberry"
TGC’s Sam Allberry Calls Conservatives Who Oppose Gay Marriage “Cranky” But Gay Rights Activists “Lovely”
Today, the attack on biblical orthodoxy is not from the typical atheists, feminists, and homosexuals you would...
Beth Moore, Sam Allberry Promote Gay Activists, Calls Them “Brothers”
Beth Moore is a piece of work and has truly shown her colors in the last few months. While we've been reporting on the...
Three Reasons the Southern Baptist Convention Needs to Split
It's rare that a call for division in the Church is biblically necessary. The Bible calls for unity among the...
Living Out Removes Much of its Gay Filth From Website
Living Out is a website tied to the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and The Gospel Coalition...
Russell Moore Withdraws Support For Living Out Gay Ministry
Following a series of articles by Tom Buck at Alpha & Omega Ministries on a widely-accepted "gay Christian"...
Podcast: The Gay Christian Church Audit at Living Out
In Partnership with Tim Keller and other gay-friendly Evangelicals, Living Out has produced a pamphlet called How...
Southern Baptists Promoting Ministry That Believes It’s Natural For a Man to Desire to “Become One” With Another Man
The move toward homosexual inclusion in conservative churches has taken an unprecedented turn in the last few years --...
Book Review: The Lust of the Flesh, by Dr. Jared Moore
In the contemporary evangelical landscape, a profound debate has emerged regarding the nature of sin, especially as it...
A Dire Warning to Andy Stanley: The Looming Millstone of Divine Judgment
In Mark 9:42, Jesus Christ Himself delivers a sobering and forceful warning that should echo in the ears of anyone...
Christopher Yuan and the “Holy Sexuality” Movement. Is There Something Off Here?
I’ve been researching a rising star in the Evangelical ex-gay sexual ethics speaking circuit, Christopher Yuan. Yuan...
Tim Keller Promotes Gay Revoice Pastor’s Book That Teaches Christianity Doesn’t Change Homosexual Desires
Memorial Presbyterian Church (PCA) — that is, from the “conservative” denomination, not the completely apostate PCUSA...
The Gospel Coalition Author Implies Jesus Knows What It’s Like to Be a Homosexual
You've probably heard of the "gay Christian" ministry called Living Out. Living Out has been in partnership with the...
The New Evangelical Latitudinarians, Emptying Christianity of All Meaning
From the very beginning, the church has had to preserve its integrity and purity by protecting and fencing its...
TGC Author Says He Doesn’t Need to Repent of His Same-Sex Attraction to Men Because He’s Been Wired That Way
One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to...
TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism and Homosexuality to Make Kids More Like Christ
One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to...
The Gospel Coalition Author Employs Gay Rights Activist as Personal Pastoral Assistant at Church
If you've followed Reformation Charlotte at all over the last year, you are most likely well-aware that we believe The...
Canada Passes Legislation Making it Illegal for Christians to Persuade Homosexuals to Repent
Largely referred to as "conversion therapy," the secular world has long been railing against any effort to persuade...
Russell Moore’s New Church Has Gay Anglican Priest on Staff
While ex-Southern Baptists are apostatizing left and right joining churches that are either completely woke,...
False Teacher of the Day #43: Jackie Hill Perry
The new Evangelical Sexual Revolution is a term that was coined by Reformation Charlotte to expose the movement within...

I Bet You Didn’t Know the Federal Government Has Been Funding Revoice, the “Gay Christian” Ministry
I previously wrote to you demonstrating how the Democrat-backed federal government has been laundering money through USAID and other taxpayer-funded slush funds, funneling it into the hands of anti-American, anti-conservative faux Christian ministries like The After...

Remember the “Vaccine Redeems an Abortion” Guy? His Curriculum Was Funded by USAID Too
I hesitate to continue writing about Donald Trump, as I want to be clear that I do not view him as any kind of messianic figure, savior of the nation, or a “Christian” hero. He is not—he is simply the result of a nation that is, if nothing but for a momentary reprieve...

Opinion: If You Really Want to Help Refugees, Kick Them Out of Our Nation
There’s a cabal of evangelical leftists parading around as champions of compassion—valiant knights charging into battle against the cold-hearted, unfeeling forces that dare to suggest a sovereign nation not only has the right but the duty to control its own borders....

Satan Casts Out Satan, and Bethel Church Casts Out Shawn Bolz
It was only a matter of time before Bethel Church, the grand cathedral of charismatic charlatanry, decided to throw one of its own to the wolves. And who better than Shawn Bolz—a man whose entire career has been built on the kind of “prophecy” that conveniently aligns...
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