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Surprise! Overt Feminist, Jory Micah, Separates From Her Husband

by | Aug 13, 2021 | Feminism, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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You may know of Jory Micah, the feminist “preacher” who wore the pants in her marriage. The nitwit who made celebrity as a Twitter commentator for being, well, a nitwit has decided that because of her and her husband’s “fundamentalist background,” the two can no longer reconcile their differences.

If you don’t know who Jory Micah is, consider yourself lucky. However, she is an up-and-coming superstar in the man-hating feminist wing of Christendom. Jory Micah, a professional idiot, who apparently started “preaching” when she was 13, once said that if God were a man, we can count her out.

She also says she’s a socialist because she’s been studying the New Testament her entire life. We should interpret that in light of 1 Corinthians 1:18.

While we should certainly mourn over the dismantling of a marriage by a woman who has rebelled against God repeatedly for years, it certainly comes as no surprise.

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I don’t know her husband as he has not been in the public square, but one thing is for sure, Jory Micah does not love Jesus. We will certainly pray for the Micahs; specifically, we will pray that Jory will repent, believe the gospel, and submit to her husband while obeying the biblical command for women to be quiet and not be quarrelsome.

“It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.” –Proverbs 21:19

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