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David Platt Says Members Who Voted Against Woke Elder Nominees are Liars and Deceivers

by | Jul 5, 2021 | News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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In what appears to be a repeat–only worse–of what happened a few years ago at a large, Southern Baptist church in Naples, FL, David Platt this weekend spent an inordinate amount of his sermon time decrying members of his church who voted against a panel of elder nominees as divisive liars and deceivers.

Men like Platt–who spend the majority of their time in ivory towers barking commands at the rest of the Church to “stop being racist” while urging them to give up their own “positions of power” to people of color–have a really hard time wrapping their heads around why the common person is fed up with the woke movement and want nothing to do with it. Growing increasingly frustrated as David Platt himself pushes cultural Marxism from his own pulpit, it doesn’t dawn on Platt that these people are simply fed up with the unbiblical nonsense.

Capstone Report reported,

In a rant against causing division in the church, David Platt—the man responsible for dividing McLean Bible Church by teaching Critical Race Theory—claimed a group of dissident conservatives were using disinformation to divide McLean Bible Church. Platt also accused the dissident group of being racist.

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“I saw one email from one of the main leaders in this group using race to say that MBC is no longer McLean Bible Church that it is now Melanin Bible Church,” Platt said. “That is not acceptable for the Body of Jesus Christ. That language has no place whatsoever here. I hesitated to share it because I know it is so ugly and painful to hear but I want to point out the approach being used by people giving leadership to this group in these meetings.”

Platt, of course, is neck-deep in the woke church Cultural Marxist movement and is well-versed in nuance and ambiguity when it comes to leading a church in living a God-glorifying life of obedience to Him through politics and he along with one of his co-pastors, Mike Kelsey co-preached a sermon that could, in fact, have been co-preached by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. In this sermon, titled Unity in Diversity, they pushed the idea that diversity is one of the primary objectives of the Church and that the gospel demands the Church pursue it relentlessly.

The bottom line is that we don’t really have the whole story here. Churches don’t coordinate together to oppose biblically qualified candidates because they’re “racist” or “deceivers.” This is what was claimed at Naples–it turned out to be totally false and a scandal of the highest degree. It should go without saying that, most likely, this had everything to do with people just wanting to hear the Scriptures preached rather than Critical Race Theory.

If you are one of those members who voted against these men and would like your story told, feel free to reach out to us at info@disntr.com. If you truly did something racist or deceptive, you should repent. But our gut feeling is that, as is typical within Evangelical circles, we’re not getting the whole story and unlike the typical Evangelical organization, we’re only interested in getting the truth out. We know how the game works and we know these people like to pull the race card when they don’t get their way.

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