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Men Who Cross Their Legs Like Homosexuals Lecture Church on Sexual Ethics at TGC Conference

by | Jun 28, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The Gospel Coalition–which should be aptly renamed The Anti-Gospel Coalition as it has long departed traditional, historic, biblical Christian orthodoxy on matters of sexuality, gender, and social justice–recently held a conference that included a panel of effeminate men lecturing the Church on sexual ethics.

Pardon the title as the original intent of this article wasn’t to focus on the irony of unmanly men lecturing the Church on manhood. However, as the article progressed, it became increasingly clear that this needed to be pointed out. Sometimes, the obvious isn’t so obvious–but sometimes, the obvious is so obvious that it becomes obligatory to throw out commentary lest we become numb to it. This is one of those times.

The panel included three Gospel Coalition contributors: Brett McCracken, who appeared to host the panel, Trevin Wax, and gay Anglican priest, Sam Allberry. Allberry describes himself as someone who has “sexual, romantic and deep-emotional attractions to people of the same sex.” While Allberry is insistent that he does not act — physically — on his sexual desires, he does deny that his desires could ever change and is the founder of a “ministry” that promoted man-to-man intimacy so long as it stopped short of bodily penetration.

McCracken and Wax, to our knowledge, do not identify as LGBTQ, however, it should be noted that they have placed themselves squarely within the LGBTQ movement not just with their support, but with their mannerisms, voices, and actions.

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This is not meant to be an attack on any true ailment a person may face–we understand that some people may have speech impediments or some type of physical disability that causes their movements and motions to be erratic and sound or appear to be flamboyant in nature. We don’t think that’s the case here. The bottom line is that these men who were chosen to lead this panel on sexual ethics were purposefully chosen, as the antithesis of manliness, to attempt to lead people to conclude that manliness really has nothing to do with being manly. In fact, the reason these men were chosen to lead this panel was for the purpose of tearing down cultural norms on gender and teaching people that, well, you can cross your legs, flail your hands around, speak with a lisp and raised voice all you want, and even be openly and unashamedly attracted to other men, and still be a man.

The Gospel Coalition doesn’t exist to promote a biblical worldview; it exists to shift the paradigm on what a biblical worldview actually is. This is just so weird.

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