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Francis Chan Says Benny Hinn Repented, Then Prophesied Anointing Over Him

by | May 3, 2021 | heresy, News, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Francis Chan recently joined Revoice “gay Christian” conference leader, Preston Sprinkle, to discuss “unity” in the Church. During the course of the conversation, Chan begins to talk about how he used to judge false teachers without personally knowing them and how he regrets doing that.

He then gets into a discussion about a time when he personally met Benny Hinn a few years ago and took photos with him. Fran, rightfully, received much criticism over that, including from this blog. However, Chan then went on to talk about how his encounter with Hinn was the “most shocking, most surprising encounter with a person” that he’s ever had.

He then goes on to tell how Hinn told him that God didn’t “trust” him anymore and how God had removed the anointing from him. Hinn also ostensibly told him that he hadn’t been close to Jesus in years and that he was now shutting people out of his life to make more time for Jesus.

“Here he is just repenting of so many things,” Chan said to Sprinkles, “and he points to me–now he doesn’t know me, we’re in much different circles–and he says you, young man…God has taken his anointing or his mantle off of me, he doesn’t trust me. He goes but you, young man, he trusts you. And he’s going to manifest himself to you. But you better love Jesus more than you love your marriage, your wife, your kids, your money, your reputation. You better love him way more than all of these things.”

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Chan, despite his solid theological educational background, is highly compromised. Not only is Chan’s doctrine on morality compromised–he says that homosexuality is not worse than divorce. But earlier this year in April, at an ecumenical gathering of charismatics and Catholics, Chan removed his shoes on stage while several Catholic priests pray over him. At the same event, Chan declines to share the gospel with a Catholic, stating “I don’t believe the Holy Spirit wants me to.”

Chan has also embraced the false “little god” heresy that teaches that being indwelt by the Holy Spirit makes us both God and man at the same time, like Jesus, claims that he now speaks in tongues, and he also has embraced the Roman Catholic heresy of transubstantiation which teaches that the bread and wine of communion is the literal flesh and blood of Jesus.

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