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Deceased, Gay-Affirming Scripture Twister to Release Children’s Book “What is God Like?”

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Abortion, Feminism, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

In 2019, popular gay-affirming author and speaker, Rachel Held Evans, tragically passed away leaving behind her husband and small children. Sadly, instead of entering glory, Evans most likely heard the dreaded words of Jesus found in Matthew 7:23, “I never knew you, depart from me.”

Rachel Held Evans impacted the Christian community in many ways that will leave its mark for generations to come. Held Evans stood in stark contrast to orthodox Biblical Christianity and challenged biblical beliefs at their core. She was a hero of the “progressive Christian” movement. Evans was a pro-LGBT, pro-abortion feminist who shook her fist at Jesus Christ Himself, practically daring Him to reign supreme over His own creation.

Held Evans denied one of the primary attributes of God — His masculinity. Whether or not Held Evans “liked” it, God chose to reveal Himself to humanity as male and we don’t have the freedom or authority to reassign gender to our creator. Evans would regularly blaspheme God in such ways as “God is not a man or a woman. God is spirit.” Of course God is spirit, but God is also a man as the Scripture repeatedly refers to Him as a man.

In one article Held Evans wrote, she actually referred to God as a female, writing, “And, because of today, because of the cross, it is a pain that God Herself understands.”

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Held Evans also denied the doctrine of repentance. Held Evans, who believed she was a Christian, taught that one could continue in such sins as homosexuality and remain in right standing with God.

Now, as predicted previously, Evans will continue to lead people astray from the grave. I write this not to pound on her, as her judgment has already come, but to warn others who may be unaware of who Evans is and what she taught.

Before Evans passed, she began writing a children’s book, What is God Like? She did not complete the book before she passed. However, what she had begun, her friend and co-writer, Paul Turner recently completed. The book will be sold in stores and online beginning June 15, 2021.

While we don’t know the exact contents of the book yet, it’s safe to say that it will contain the heresy that Held Evans believed and taught during her life; that homosexuality is fine with God, that God is cool with abortion, and that God is a woman. Please avoid it.

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