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JD Greear Defends Staff Member Who Had Gay Hookups Online and Looked at Gay Pornography

by | Mar 6, 2021 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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In a podcast, JD Greear defended a former staff member who said that while he was on his personal pastoral staff and “very active” in his church for many years, he secretly looked at gay porn and hooked up on gay dating sites. Despite the fact that this went on for years, Greear defends him saying that he needs to “feel his pain” and “learn to grapple with his questions from his point of view.”

Interestingly, this is the same staff member that Greear defiled the pulpit with when he and this guy danced together to a Whitney Houston song and Greear “shook his rump.”

He goes on to say that this person is “still very close to his family” and that even though he was secretly addicted to gay porn and hooked up with other men online, he still lets him around his kids. “My kids love him,” he says.

While Greear doesn’t go as far as to affirm homosexuality, Greear has insisted that the Scriptures only “whisper” about homosexuality while addresses other sins–such as greed or boasting–in a much greater way. He’s also called on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights.

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So this begs the question: what do we need to see from this person’s point of view? Do the Scriptures not provide a clear enough point of view? While this guy was running around on the pastoral staff and pretending to be a Christian, he was hooking up on gay dating sites and looking at gay porn. All behind everyone’s back. Romans 1 is clear–he gave up natural relations with women and he was consumed with passion for other men (Romans 1:27).

So what is it exactly we need to see? Would JD Greear say the same thing about a man abusing women? Greear and the Southern Baptist Convention have a no-tolerance policy for that. In fact, they’ve invented an entire committee to investigate and disfellowship churches who even consider hiring someone who has even considered batting an eye at a woman who isn’t his wife.

Should we approach them with the same compassion and understanding? Wasn’t he just born that way? Shouldn’t we see things from his point of view? Yet, when it comes to gay sin, Greear wants us to approach them with “understanding” because the Bible only “whispers” about that.

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