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Evangelical Leaders Rejoice in Communist Takeover of America

by | Jan 21, 2021 | Abortion, Blog, Feminism, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Spotlight, The Church | 0 comments

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January 20, 2021 marked the death of America as we know it. The funeral service, with America’s new Chines Communist Party-controlled priest, Joe Biden, preaching the service, was held in honor of America’s history as Biden announced his intentions to move the country further away from its founding Judeo-Christian roots and bury her alongside dead bodies of Western Civilization, ingenuity, and superiority.

While the funeral service — also referred to as Joe Biden’s “inauguration” — barely had any attendees save a few media outlets and global elites, the “new administration” had an unlikely fan base found primarily in the left-wing of the Southern Baptist Convention (TGC) and The Gospel Coalition (TGC).

If you’ve followed Reformation Charlotte for any amount of time, you’re probably aware of the leftward drift of the Evangelical Church — primarily, the Southern Baptist Convention. We’ve covered the phenomenon for years. Leftists, like Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and various other seminary leaders have either actively promoted or turned a blind eye to the influx of cultural Marxism taking over.

Now, all blindfolds are off and there should be no doubt about who supports this movement and who is against it.

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In the wake of the inauguration of Joe Biden, the country’s first fully Communist president, many of these Evangelicals rejoiced. Of course, there were the obvious; Thabiti Anyabwile, Lecrae, Jemar Tisby, to name a few. But the leftist outlets pretending to take a neutral stance to politics can no longer pretend.

For example, Brett McCracken, a prominent TGC contributor, gave glowing accolades to the Pagan performance put on by the new American Communist Party during the inauguration.

A lovely and dignified ceremony. Poetry. Pageantry. Prayer. Peace. All in a pandemic.

I oppose much of Biden’s policy, but I’m grateful for this moment and pray his leadership brings more goodness, truth, and beauty to America in the years to come. #InaugurationDay

McCracken, whose material is promoted in Southern Baptist and Evangelical Churches all around the nation and who pastors look to and read almost daily, referred to the ceremony as “lovely” and “dignified.” The ceremony, the poetry, the pageantry, the prayer, and the peace came from some of the most God-hating people in the world — including the disgusting and filthy, foul-mouthed musician, Lady Gaga.

We have seen McCracken’s version of false peace played out over and over in Scripture proclaiming “peace, peace, where there is no peace.” (Ezekiel 13:10, Jeremiah 6:14, etc.) The false peace and false unity McCracken proclaims is demonic, evil, and should trouble the spirit of any discerning, Bible-believing Christian.

But he isn’t the only one. Of course, there is Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist Convention’s very own lady gaga who, in turn, promotes the false peace and unity of the new Communist takeover of our once-great nation. Instead of seeing the sickness of the is demonic ritual for what it is, Beth Moore is able drool over these wicked murderers.


And then, as Biden proclaims the he’s going to be the president for “all Americans,” Beth Moore — who, along with the new American Communist Party — apparently does not believe that unborn children are Americans, or even people for that matter, continues her drool fest all over these wicked people.


While true Christians would mourn at the loss of life and judgment of God being unleashed on this nation, leftists masquerading as Christians rejoice. Russell Moore, head of the ERLC says “some things that President Biden has committed to do should please Christians.” And Thabiti Anyabwile, a Southern Baptist pastor, says that Joe Biden’s pick for health secretary — a transgender who can’t even figure out his own sex by looking in the mirror — is qualified and competent to execute the nation’s health policy.

While Joe Biden’s itinerary for his presidency reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments, these leftists want us to stand with the enemies of the Church. It is time for true Christians to stand up and begin purging these false prophets and God-hating ministers of darkness from the ranks of the Church. True Christians do not rejoice in wickedness.

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