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List of False Prophets Who Prophesied Trump Would Win 2020 Election Keeps Growing

by | Jan 20, 2021 | heresy, News, Politics, The Church | 0 comments

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As you are probably aware by now, like it or not, fraud or no fraud, legitimate or illegitimate, Joe Biden has been inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. Despite the fact that numerous false prophets — particularly, those associated with the New Apostolic Reformation charismatic movement — falsely claimed that Donald Trump would win the 2020 election, he did not. And the Scriptures have something to say about that.

“when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.” –Deuteronomy 18:22

Kat Kerr, one of the most notorious of the false prophets, said God told her Trump would sit in the White House for eight years.

“He (God) assured me in 2015 that Trump would sit in the White House for eight years. And God assured me today when He walked into my room at noon — well, almost noon, 11:55 am. — He yelled as loud as He possibly could, ‘Justice will prevail.’” –Kat Kerr, false prophet, Jacksonville, FL

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Mark Taylor, known for his “Trump Prophesies,” has been repeatedly proven a liar who does not possess the Spirit of God as he also prophesied that God would place Trump in office for eight years. Citing the King James version of 1 Corinthians 15:52, Taylor equated Donald Trump to “the last trump” mentioned in this passage and said God told him there would be another. Taylor also said that those who mock him are “putting their lives in danger.” That “prophesy” didn’t age well.

Kris Vallotton, one of the lead “Apostles” at the notorious Bethel Redding cult, also predicted a Trump win in 2020 but, notably, apologized for it stating that he “takes full responsibility” for it and that it “doesn’t make him a false prophet.” Actually, however, it does.

There’s also Kenneth Copeland, Steve Strang, Greg Locke, Paula White, Jeremiah Johnson, Cindy Jacobs, Robert Jeffress, Pat Robertson, and many others who are a part of this false prophet movement who predicted a Trump win.

While we mourn the loss of this country to a Socialist Democrat who is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, at the same time, we can thank God for exposing the fraud masquerading as the Church of Jesus Christ. God is clearly purging the enemies and as he does, He will keep his remnant alive and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church. Jesus Christ is Lord and those who are against Him, who prophesy in His name, and do so for selfish gain, will perish in the darkness of their own greed and corruption.

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