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ERLC Speaker Explains How She Considered an Abortion and is No Longer Pro-Life

by | Oct 13, 2020 | Abortion, News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Last year, Reformation Charlotte reported how a woman named Shannon Dingle had been enlisted by the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as an “expert resource” on parenting children with disabilities. The purpose of the report was to expose how Dingle, a professing Christian, took to Twitter to exploit her body as she talked about her female parts hanging on the wall of a doctor’s office while she’s decorating it and laughing about it.

We brought you that report in May of 2019.

Later that year, in July, her husband died in a tragic freak accident at a popular North Carolina beach. As a mother of six already, Dingle found out — after the death of her husband — that she was once again pregnant. As someone who has spent time speaking at multiple ERLC conferences over the years and touted by the ERLC as a pro-life advocate, this time, Dingle says she considered an abortion.

In an article in People Magazine, Dingle explains how she could not fathom being a mother to seven children, so she seriously weighed the possibility of having an abortion.

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“By mid-2016 my views had begun to change, yet three years later, some of that rhetoric rose within me,” she told People. “I worried, what if people offering us help would rescind those offers if they found out what I was considering? I wondered, would my living children hate me because I chose us over the pregnancy of another child?”

She then went on to explain how she is no longer pro-life, but pro-choice.

“I firmly believe that decisions regarding pregnancy should be between a patient and doctor, not predetermined impersonally by a mostly male governing body,” she told People. “My body shouldn’t be up for public debate.”

The ERLC — who has platformed her on multiple occasions — has not commented on Dingle’s 180 in thought. It appears that Dingle and the ERLC have had some kind of falling out based on Dingle’s Twitter comments. However, the ERLC still has links to her resources on their website at the time of this writing, and the ERLC’s silence on Dingle has been deafening.

For Dingle, killing a child is now a choice between a mother and an abortionist. Sadly, this is the line of reasoning for many Southern Baptists. One “bible teacher” at Southern Baptist Convention president, J.D. Greear’s summit church has relentlessly advanced the pro-choice cause in the church under the guise of “I’m personally pro-life but politically pro-choice.”

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