Last week, when Billy Graham’s granddaughter signed an endorsement of Joe Biden dubbed “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” — an oxymoron if there ever was one — it seemed as though it was settled that Evangelicalism had completely fallen. It seemed as though the Evangelical Church’s leadership has taken such a sharp left turn from biblical fidelity that it was no longer recognizable as the Church of Jesus Christ.
It seemed.
But now, Russell Moore, one of the most influential leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention and the head of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, along with Ed Stetzer, former head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s LifeWay Research, and Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, have signed a statement declaring people who vote to advance the “right” to murder their children as “followers of Jesus.”
These Southern Baptists — who joined with rank apostates from far-left organizations such as the AND Campaign — have essentially endorsed not only the sin of abortion, but homosexuality and other forms of lawlessness that God hates as acceptable among the ranks of the Christian Church.
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“As evangelical Christians, we are called by Jesus to love God and to love our neighbor,” the statement reads. “As citizens who follow this call, we must engage with humility, civility, intellectual rigor and honesty in the complex and contentious social issues that face our nation. We invite all followers of Jesus — whether Democrats, Republicans or Independents — to join us in seeking the health of the nation for the good of all people.”
Here’s the bottom line: you can be a Christian or you can be a Democrat — but you can’t be both. This seems like such a simple concept to those who profess Christ and actually believe what the Word of God says about morality. The Democrat party has made their party platform essentially the official opposition to the law of God. Everything God hates, the Democrat party platform loves; abortion, homosexuality, theft, lawlessness, and extremely important, they want to strip religious freedom.
Why would Russell Moore, Danny Akin, Ed Stetzer, and a host of other “Evangelicals” sign on to such an anti-Christ statement? Ten years ago, this would have been an extremely difficult sell and, fifteen years ago, impossible. But, today, it seems like par for the course. The vast majority of pew sitters are either clueless as to what’s happening in their denomination, or they are complicit. Increasingly, more and more are complicit.
The statement itself is nothing more than a replacement of the gospel with social justice activism — seeking to bring together politically-neutered professing Christians who won’t speak up about what’s actually biblically right and true, but, instead, want to make the gospel about man’s work bringing societal change through socialism rather than it being about Christ’s work on the cross the change hearts to advance the Kingdom of God that is “not of this world.”
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” — John 18:36
It has become evident and clear what “kingdom” these progressive church leaders are a part of.