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You Can’t Go to Church, But Pro-Abortion Democrats Can Crowd a Church For Leftist Politician Funeral

by | Jul 30, 2020 | Abortion, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Democrat politicians around the country have been adamant about limiting the citizens’ rights to freely assemble for worship. They say it’s for the “common good” of the people. Churches have been the primary targets of the leftists draconian measures despite the fact that there is little evidence that churches have spread the coronavirus.

However, so long as you’re a Democrat attending the funeral service of a far-left pro-abortion pro-homosexual Democrat politician who hated God and has now moved into a rat-infested neighborhood alongside Elijah Cummings, you can rest assured that your right to freely assemble will be protected.

That’s what happened today at the funeral of U.S. representative, John Lewis. Today where thousands gathered inside Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA where former president, Barack Obama gave his “eulogy” promoting mail-in ballots and decrying voter ID.

Yeah, there is no double standard there at all. None.

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