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Orlando Health Confirms Errors in COVID-19 Reporting that Lead to Astronomically High Positives

by | Jul 14, 2020 | News | 0 comments

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There is no doubt that the official statistics on COVID-19 are riddled with errors. The CDC already admitted that they screwed up, combining the results from two different types of tests leading to extremely flawed, statistically-unusable numbers. Various health departments around the nation have also admitted to erroneous reporting which led to unusable and meaningless statistics. Yet, the nation is still relying on these numbers to make decisions about the economy and livelihoods of millions upon millions of people.

Now, Orlando Health, in a state that is seeing a statistical “spike” in coronavirus cases leading to panic around the nation, has also admitted that their numbers are flawed, showing astronomically-high numbers of positives in many cases.

FOX 35 Orlando reports,

The Florida Department of Health released its daily coronavirus testing report showing a statewide positivity rate of 11 percent, but FOX 35 News quickly noticed some shocking positivity rates.

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Countless labs report 100 percent positivity, which means every single person tested was positive.

FOX 35 sifted through the report to find local testing sites with high numbers, like Centra Care, where the report showed 83 people were tested and all tested positive. The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA said officials are looking into the numbers.

NCF Diagnostics has a location in Alachua, which reported 88 percent of tests coming back positive and 98 percent for Orlando Health.

How could that be? We investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every location mentioned. Orlando Health, the only to answer our question, confirmed errors in the report. Its positivity rate is in fact only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.

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