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Rebellious Bible-Twister, Beth Moore, Says God is Reckoning America Over Misuse of Bible

by | Jun 5, 2020 | News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Moore began her career as a small-group women’s Bible-study teacher. Fair enough, though the Bible says that women should remain silent in Church, no sane-minded Southern Baptist would have argued in favor of women preachers, especially those who teach men until recently. Over the last several years, Beth Moore’s influence has grown to astronomical levels, drawing crowds of tens of thousands at times in audiences of both men and women. She preaches at churches on Sunday mornings, behind the pulpit. And, she mocks God.

There have been quite a number of sound theologians and teachers who’ve held consistently to the Biblical teaching that women should not preach. Yet, Moore has consistently held her middle finger up to God. While setting aside sound teaching to embrace homosexuality, Beth Moore has repeatedly insisted that not only does she have the right to teach and preach to men, but that nothing is going to stop her and even saying that she’d be “terrified” to be a biblical woman. Following the footsteps of the serpent in the Garden, she goes on to question God’s Word on biblical womanhood as she mocks.

Now, Beth Moore says that she believes that America is facing a “reckoning” from God because America has used God and the Bible to sin.

But see, here’s the thing. She is actually right. But what she fails to realize is that she is prime suspect number one with her daily Bible-twisting and act of defiance against God. Evangelist and Bible teacher, Ryan Denton commented, “Hard to believe you take a high view of the Bible when you willfully violate a pretty obvious restriction,” and referenced 1 Timothy 2:11-12,

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A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

Whether it be her fanciful tales about meeting a stranger at a bus stop to give her money because “God told her to,” or outlandish dreams of God lifting her up in the air to envision Catholics and Protestants in ecumenical unity or her recent elbow-locking with heretics Joel Osteen, Matt Crouch, and Brian Houston, her hand holding with wolftress, Joyce Meyer, her quick jump to condemn an innocent high school kid in a racist media propaganda attack, or her declaration that spending time with God is not the same thing as spending time in the Bible, one thing is for sure, Beth Moore is, in fact, one of the worst offenders of what she says God is “reckoning” America for.

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