In what seems to be a never-ending assault on the Constitution by Democratic Socialists in states all over America, persons who attempt to peaceably protest — an activity inviolably protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — are being squelched, harassed by police, and even arrested.

Earlier this week, Democrat governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper ignored calls to clarify his executive “stay-at-home” order amid arrests by police against people who were assembling outside of the State Capitol to protest his order after police said that protesting was a “non-essential” activity. But as I pointed out in an article earlier today, Cooper isn’t the only tyrant issuing harsh and unconstitutional orders to citizens of his state.
Dan Hall, a state senator in the State of Minnesota said that police told him they’d remove him if he attempted to assemble a peaceful group of protestors outside of the State Capitol. On Facebook, he wrote,
I was told today, by the state patrol, that I would be removed if we (my daughter the hairstylist and I) tried to peaceably assemble a group on the front lawn of the Minnesota Capitol. Has the Governor forgotten our First Amendment?
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
My daughter’s hairstylist friends just wanted to peaceably assemble, and petition our Government/Governor with their grievances.
In a time of uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic — when millions of people have been put out of work by government decrees and people are suffering, locked up in their homes — pent up frustration will unavoidably be released at some point. The Constitution of the United States is not an optional document that should only be followed when convenient.
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The rights afforded to U.S. citizens should not and cannot be infringed upon yet tyrannical politicians around the country are getting away with far more than would have ever been allowed by the founders of this great country. How much more are we going to let them get away with?