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NC Police Say Protesting Governor’s Executive Order Violates His Executive Order, Arrest Protestors

by | Apr 17, 2020 | News, Politics | 0 comments

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Earlier this week, a group of protestors assembled outside the North Carolina State Capitol to protest the Democratic Socialist governor, Roy Cooper’s executive order to shut down the state amid the coronavirus outbreak. During the protest, the State Capitol Police were dispatched and arrested at least one protestor citing that in respect to Cooper’s executive order, “protesting is a non-essential activity.”


While sane, freedom-loving Americans understand that the Constitution of the United States does not have exemptions written into the Bill of Rights for any reason, tyrants around the country in both local and state governments are assaulting the God-given liberties of citizens at an alarming rate. Cooper isn’t the only one.

However, on Wednesday, the North Carolina General Assembly sent Cooper a letter asking him to clarify his executive order and if he has “in fact prohibited, via executive order, the act of protesting against [his] executive orders.”

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To this date, Cooper has still not publicly responded to the inquiries and is continuing to pursue his tyrannical shutdown measures in a state that is barely affected by the coronavirus.

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