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Gays and Democrats Upset That “Anti-Gay” Christian Organization is Setting Up Hospitals in New York

by | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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In the midst of the largest global pandemic the world has seen in modern history, there is a mass shortage of hospital beds, medical equipment, and staff that are needed to treat patients who have contracted the novel coronavirus. Samaritan’s Purse has set up a makeshift hospital in New York City that will house hundreds of beds and provide volunteer staff to treat people. Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian organization that requires its volunteers to adhere to a minimum biblical moral standard and statement of faith.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Well, for many LGBTQ activists — and Democrats — that is unacceptable.

Jonathan Merritt, a gay journalist who claims to be “Christian” and is the son of former Southern Baptist Convention president, James Merritt is making use of his time tweeting and retweeting the proscriptions of leftists and gays who, supposedly, are afraid that the Christian organization is going to operate some kind of conspiracy to kill them off as they enter the hospital.

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Two of his tweets include the following:

And …

Now, one has to ask why anyone would be “uncomfortable” with Samaritan’s Purse putting up a hospital and staffing it with volunteers to actually help people. What we don’t see are LGBTQ advocacy groups popping up all over the place to help save lives — instead, they’re spending their time whining about how much more this disease affects their already disease-ridden community than the general public.

The bottom line, nobody’s going to be treated differently in a Christian hospital than in a general hospital. LGBTQ people are not going to be secretly conspired against to pull the plugs on their ventilators early. Christianity exists to glorify God and point to Christ and like the Grahams or not, they have a spotless track record when it comes to charity. This is just another way for gays — like Jonathan Merritt — to express their hatred of Evangelicalism.

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