The woke warriors are not letting this current coronavirus pandemic go to waste. They have an agenda, and while the economy, people’s health, lives, and even the visible Church is crumbling before us, instead of encouraging the Church with the truth of God’s Word and sovereignty, they are stoking the fears of racial division because their primary goal is to push their social justice agenda.
Mark Dever recently posted on Twitter another admonition to while people to repent of their “whiteness” and begin serving the cause of social justice. Instead of encouraging Christians to bind together in Christian unity, he’s playing on the fears of people to cause further division. And this was retweeted by Jared Wilson, a contributor to The Gospel Coalition.
![Image may contain: possible text that says 'Jared C. Wilson Retweeted Mark Dever @MarkDever Grimke's 5th reflection when the churches re-opened after the Span flu in 1918 was about the stupidity of race prejudice. "The lesson taught is clear and distinct, but will he [the white man] learn it, will he lay it to heart, will he profit by it and seek to mend his evil ways?" 6:00 PM Mar 16, 2020 Twitter Web App'](
It should be very clear where their minds are in all this.
Sadly, Mark Dever and his 9Marks ministry have taken a sharp turn to the progressive left in the last few years. It was once a solid ministry that promoted sound theology and doctrine and good orthopraxy but has largely become an Evangelical outlet for the Marxist-based social justice gospel movement.
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Dever has recently promoted many anti-conservative views and embraced left-wing politics and has even legitimized Christians voting for pro-abortion candidates in an effort to be more “inclusive” of Democrats and liberals in the Church. His church offers Sunday School classes on social justice, identity politics, intersectionality, and white privilege and he says he doesn’t believe that the modern abortion epidemic is as bad as Hitler’s holocaust.
And not too long ago, a video surfaced of Dever where Dever is promoting the false narrative that white cops are out to kill black kids and better constantly watch their backs when they start driving.