Tim Keller is the founder and former head of the social justice website known as The Gospel Coalition which provides insights on how to turn the gospel into a mandate for social action. As one of the primary mouthpieces in the progressive social justice agenda, Keller is best known for twisting the Words of God and Scripture to form a narrative that minimizes the gospel and maximizes acts of charity under the guise of “gospel mandates.”
Keller has been known to rewrite the gospel into a gospel of works-righteousness which is, apparently, evidenced by how much charity to the poor you facilitate. Consider this comment he made,
How do you know you’re really saved by faith? You care about the poor. When you see people without resources, your heart goes out to them. If it doesn’t, maybe you’re saved, but you’re lacking the evidence of salvation.
Whether it be saying that people should read the Bible more and stop being conservative, that the gospel isn’t spread by preaching, but by acts of social justice, or that Christians can’t reach the world without great “Christian art,” one thing is clear, Tim Keller has exchanged biblical truth for a man-made theology of charity. Yet, modern church leaders are fascinated with him despite his attempt to take the Evangelical Church over with his agenda.
Now, another bizarre statement that Keller published on Twitter exposes that his view of the gospel and biblical justice is highly flawed.
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It’s unclear if Keller actually knows what he’s saying in this statement, but the Bible is clear — very clear — what human beings as creations of God are “due.”
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Human beings are due nothing but death as creations of God — that is justice. But God, in His mercy, took His wrath out on His son Jesus in place of those who believe. Yet, in Keller’s conflated view of “justice” and “mercy,” Keller seems to believe that all human beings deserve all forms of social and temporal equity. In other words, in Keller’s view, a communist system of wealth redistribution is “biblical justice” because human beings, as creations of God are “due” this.
This is why we believe Tim Keller is a Marxist.
See also: Four Theological Problems With Tim Keller and Why He Should Be Avoided