I like our president. He’s a good politician and stands up to the establishment like none we’ve seen in a long time. While I’m not on board with all of his policies, most of them are certainly better than any of the Democratic alternatives.
With that disclaimer, I have to say that Donald Trump has surrounded himself with some of the worst religious leaders our modern society has ever seen. Almost all of them are either rank heretics or borderline rank heretics. From Paula White, the American goddess of modern prosperity theology to Robert Jeffress, who practically worships the ground Donald Trump walks on, it’s safe to say that not a single one of them is qualified to stand in a pulpit and speak on behalf of God.
So, it’s fitting that Donald Trump’s — who is no stranger to extra-marital affairs — number one Pastrix-in-Chief would be a woman who once had an affair with the Fresh Prince of Prosperity Charlatanism, Benny Hinn would be chosen to lead the God Squad in the White House.

And, of course, as charismatics usually do, they can never accept that their sin was their own fault — or the result of their own wicked heart’s desires. They always blame it on the devil. After the National Enquirer snapped a photo of Hinn and White holding hands leaving a hotel in Rome, White preached at a conference with thousands of pastors that “I’m not here to look cute … I came to let the devil know … I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.”
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Hinn was later sued by one of his book publishers, Lake Mary, for having an “inappropriate relationship” with Paula White and Hinn admitted to the relationship and agreed to return a 300 thousand-dollar prepayment for a book to them.
While the Evangelical world is up-in-arms over White’s latest heretical gaffe — praying that God would terminate all “Satanic pregnancies” — we would do well to remember that Paula White has done far worse. Besides the fact that she’s disqualified on the very fact that the Scriptures forbid female preachers, White is a rank heretic who — like most charismatics — have been disqualified for sexual immorality.