Dear Readers and Supporters,
As we end the 2019 year with a bang, Reformation Charlotte would like to personally thank you for your support and readership. Our first year as a full-time news and apologetics publication could not have been a success without you. Because of you, our Alexa ranking is sky-high breaking 9K. That’s literally unheard of for a first-year blog. To put that in perspective, Reformation Charlotte is far more widely read than Relevant Magazine, Religion News, Charisma News, and only trails slightly behind other popular Christian news outlets such as The Christian Post.
You can check out our top ten articles of 2019 here. Ed Dingess has done a fantastic job with his Reformed Rant podcast and has developed quite an audience. You can check those out here.
Reformation Charlotte will be hitting the streets of Uptown Charlotte, NC tonight for the New Year’s Eve celebration to preach the gospel, hand out tracts, and tell people about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. This is why Reformation Charlotte exists!
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If you would like to support us, you can do so at this link. Again, Reformation Charlotte would like to thank you, our supporters, for everything.
Happy New Year!