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Former CIA Investigator Says CIA Agents Are Being Forced to Wear Gay Rainbow Lanyards

by | Nov 25, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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The United States government appears to be all-in in the sexual revolution and has made itself an ally to the homosexual and transgender movement that is plaguing the country. While county judges and clerks are being forced to violate their consciences to partake in homosexual marriages and courts are ruling against religious freedoms all over America, those who hold to a conservative and biblical worldview are being marginalized and punished.

A former CIA agent now says that the CIA is essentially forcing CIA staff to mark themselves as an “ally” of the LGBTQ community by wearing a gay rainbow lanyard which is used to carry such things as identification cards and such around the agent’s neck.

Former CIA Counter-Terrorism, Counterintelligence, and Staff Investigator for the CIA and author of From the Company of Shadows, Kevin Shipp writes on Twitter,

The CIA is currently forcing it employees to wear gay rainbow badge lanyards. Employees are, “encouraged,” to wear them proclaiming they are an, “ally” of the LBGTQ push. The CIA, “diversity” council claims the program is, “voluntary,” but those who refuse are, “noted.”

Once the government forces your hand to embrace immorality, the government has given up its purpose and authority to wield the sword of righteousness and has become nothing more than a rogue clan to force people into submission of the will of the majority.

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