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Prominent Black Preacher Says He’d Rather Go to Hell than Heaven With White People

by | Nov 20, 2019 | Blog, Politics | 0 comments

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Talbert Swan, a woke social justice warrior and black preacher has said he’d rather go to Hell than be in heaven with white American Evangelicals.

Earlier this year, Swan, a leader in the COGIC denomination, falsely accused a white man of killing a black girl and then when the truth came out, he refused to delete his tweet or recant his accusations.

This comes just as racial tensions in the Evangelical church are heating up thanks to such liberal outlets as The Gospel Coalition and The Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution this summer affirming Critical Race Theory — a secular worldview that paints white people as inherently evil simply by the virtue of the color of their skin — and has called on its use as an “analytical tool” for combating racial issues in the Church and society.

The effects of this move couldn’t be clearer as the logical outcome of such a position can lead only to outright hatred and racial division between those who hold to this position. Talbert Swan is a prime example — a hateful man who has incited more racial division in the Church than most other woke, social justice warriors put together.

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(Editor’s note: Swan denies association with Kyle Howard and the AND Campaign, though he has shared the stage in the past with AND Campaign leaders. I’ll take him at his word that he doesn’t personally know them.) However, the interconnectivity of this movement is astonishing when you trace the connections between Swan and other Evangelical leaders. The movement — which was disguised as “racial reconciliation” by the Southern Baptist Convention for years until it was exposed and many leaders began to wake up to the reality of its devastation — has entrenched itself in every area of Evangelicism today. What we see coming from Talbert Swan’s keyboard is the endgame. They’d rather die and go to Hell than be with white people.

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