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Beth Moore Relentlessly Attacks Straight White Men on Social Media

by | Oct 13, 2019 | News, The Church | 0 comments

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Beth Moore hates men — particularly, straight, white men. She has a habit of relentlessly attacking them, berating them, and talking down to and over them on social media. In May, she launched a tirade asserting that she would be “terrified” to be a woman that Owen Strachan, a theologian and one who is even a contributor to the ERLC, “would approve of” because he holds to complementarian theology.

Beth Moore has exposed herself as full-on egalitarian — that is, one who rejects the biblical model for the roles of men and women — and has launched a tirade against biblical womanhood. She has practically embraced homosexuality and has joined hands with gay activists a number of times for various causes — usually for opposing the biblical view on something. She has refused to denounce homosexuality as sinful and says that doing so is “exceeding Scripture.”

She has joined the chorus on the liberal left in denouncing white people and always assuming the worst about straight, white males. She promotes unity with well known false teachers like Joyce Meyer and has even declared that spending time in God’s Word is not the same thing as spending time with God.

She’s a mocker and has referred to those who go to bed early on Saturday nights for church as “trolls.” And she has made a habit of using acronyms for cuss words to “rebuke” her “fellow leaders.” Bottom line, she has no respect for the authority of God’s Word.

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And let’s not forget, Southern Baptist leader, Russell Moore, says that “an SBC that doesn’t have a place for Beth Moore doesn’t have a place for a lot of us”

Now, Beth Moore has used her enormous social media platform and Twitter audience to launch another attack against a straight, white man. Earlier this morning, in response to another police officer shooting of a black person in Dallas — one that we still know very little about — Beth Moore immediately tweets out a guilt-ridden assertion directed towards straight white American men who, in her worldview, are all guilty of racism, misogyny, and even marginalizing homosexuals.

One man responded to her.

Of course, she used this opportunity to instead heed the truth of Scripture that he presented her with and instead launched invectives and accusations his way. Obviously, there is no reason at all to assume that Nathaniel Jolly doesn’t “act on what he reads” — in fact, it’s much more clear to any sane reader that it is acting upon the Scriptures that motivated Jolly to present this truth to her. Beth Moore is the one who fails to act on the commands of Scripture.

Beth Moore, it’s time to go home.

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