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NBC Runs Anonymous Confessional For Those Who Sin Against the Environment

by | Sep 19, 2019 | News | 0 comments

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Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte reported that an apostate liberal seminary staff and students kneeled before plants during chapel service offering sacrifices and confessing their sins against them. Union Seminary then doubled down and defended the idolatrous embrace of animism and creation-worship stating “if we do not change, we will perish.”

Any Bible-believing sane Christian — or even sane human being, for that matter — would have seen this act as not only foolish but heretical. One well-known atheist even commented on it,

But not only is it weird, it’s rampant — and not only in apostate Christianity, but secularism as well. It is, indeed, normal for those who are not in Christ and refuse to worship God to instead worship God’s creation. Creation-worship is a product of rebellion against God.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

Romans 1:24-25

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that one of the most godless secular media outlets in the world has created an online, Roman Catholic-like confessional for confessing your environmental sins against the creation. The site, called Climate Confessions, is a place where people can anonymously post confessions about what they do — or don’t do — to “protect the environment.” Confession topics range from eating meat and food waste to transportation, energy, and plastic waste. If it weren’t so sad to see, it would actually be hilarious. But, in reality, it is absolute idolatry.

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Some of the “confessions” are simply insane — here are some examples.

I would rather the whole planet burn than give up steak. Kick rocks hippies.

I travel often to conferences (flying). I think about the emissions + try to justify it with, “the plane is going there anyway.”

I own a huge SUV. I take long drives in the country just because.

I am eating bacon with breakfast this morning and I’ll have it again tomorrow

While it’s obvious that the vast majority of these “confessions” are jocular or sarcastic, the fact that NBC puts up a website like this, to begin with, speaks volumes about the mindset of the left. Bottom line, liberals (and NBC) truly want us to feel guilty for eating meat, using plastics, and driving vehicles.

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