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Abortion and Homosexuality Go Hand-in-Hand, the Rebellion of Eve

by | Sep 19, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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When we look at these two grievous sins, it’s easy to separate them as separate issues to be dealt with separately. While all sin is rooted in the idolatry of self and rebellion against God, these two particular sins are very closely linked — they are, in fact, two sides of the same sinful coin.

Homosexuality and abortion are both a form of feminism. They are both grounded in the belief that child-bearing is an unfair burden placed upon women and that reproduction, in and of itself, is a form of male oppression. Feminists hate the idea of reproduction. Feminists hate the idea that women are “burdened” with the responsibility of carrying a child, birthing a child, and nursing a child. Therefore, the destruction of reproduction is brought to bear on society through any means possible, namely through the mass celebration of homosexuality and abortion.

Eve was the first to rebel against God, yet, God held Adam, the head of the marriage, responsible. Adam is considered all throughout Scripture to be the conduit to which sin entered the world (Romans 5:12). He is the “federal head.” But it was Eve who first succumbed to the question of God’s authority (Genesis 3:1-13). This was the beginning of feminism.

To the woman he said,

“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
    in pain you shall bring forth children.
Your desire shall be contrary to[a your husband,
    but he shall rule over you.”

Genesis 3:16

In our fallen state, we are destined to rebel against God. This isn’t to say that just women rebel against God. It is to say that feminism is one of the most prevalent forms of rebellion which many other sins stem from. Men are feminists, too.

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Homosexuality and abortion are two of the most destructive ways to rebel against God. God created man in His image as a way to reflect His glory. It is not just Satan who hates God — man, in our fallen state, hate God too. To stop the reproduction of the image of God is the most tried way to stop the reflection of God’s glory.

God says, “all who hate me love death.” (Proverbs 8:36) Feminism is a means of death. Sadly, man believes that He can escape God through death, therefore, death is the ultimate end for those apart from Jesus Christ, so they seek the most destructive possible crimes against humanity that can possibly be mustered up. The self-deceit and delusion is so strong that they are blind to the error of their ways, yet God, in His infinite wisdom and glory has still provided the only solution to this sad state, and it is found only in the cross of Jesus Christ.

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