Jackie Hill Perry is a rising star in the field of woke Christianity, platformed to fame by The Gospel Coalition for her extraordinary story of being an ex-practicing lesbian who has since turned from that lifestyle and embraced a traditional marriage with a man. Despite her lack of biblical knowledge, sound doctrine, and qualification to teach or preach the Word of God, she is regularly staged at Christian conferences to do just that. Standing on no other experience than her extraordinarily sinful past, Hill Perry has been paraded and used by The Gospel Coalition and others to advance an ideology they all agree upon — social justice.
LifeWay stores — a Southern Baptist entity — is publishing a Bible study on the book of Jude by Hill Perry despite her admitting that she’s never even read the book. Recently, Hill Perry has been under fire for completely forsaking sound biblical doctrine altogether and fully embracing the rank heresy of the prosperity gospel at the most egregious and blasphemous charismatic church in America — Bethel Redding. In fact, her embrace of this heresy and those at the organization ended with Hill Perry being uninvited from a women’s conference she was set to speak at with Ken Ham at Answers in Genesis. Thankfully, Answers had enough discernment to draw the line and make a choice edifying to the Church.
Hill Perry has dabbled with false gospels for quite some time, leading many astray along her path of ecumenism. A while back, Hill Perry announced that she was not “tribalistic” in who she associates within Christendom and that she has no problem fellowshipping with those who hold to another gospel — despite Paul’s command to avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). And now that people have called her out on it — as the Scriptures command us to do — she’s mad about it.
In a recent post on Twitter, she rebukes those she says hold to “Christian judgmentalism.” Of course, she does this in the most non-judgmental and loving way possible. In case you didn’t catch that, it’s sarcasm, because, of course, Hill Perry can’t see her own hypocrisy when she judges harshly those she disagrees with.
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While you’re at it pot, meet kettle. The sad part about it is the number of likes and shares her post had, which speaks volumes about the sad state of the visible Church in our modern day. There are so many who know not the God who they claim to believe in.