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Steven Furtick Says God Reflects His Image

by | Aug 28, 2019 | Blog, heresy | 0 comments

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When Steven Furtick says things, it’s often easy to just write it off as him “saying dumb things” without thinking, or just complete ignorance. However, it’s coming fascinatingly clear that Steven Furtick believes himself to be higher than God.

In a previous post, we reported that Steven Furtick said that he believed that God wouldn’t exist apart from man to interpret him and that God would only exist as an abstract theory. Ludicrous, of course — but there seemed to be some plausible deniability that what he said was actually what he meant.

Now, Furtick has made himself clear with a recent quote. He believes that God was made in his image. The Bible says in Genesis 1:26-28 that God made us in His image. But Bethel Church — a blasphemous, Scripture-twisting organization — recently published a quote of Furtick where Furtick explained that God was the mirror image of himself.

Blasphemy, obviously.

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