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Hillsong Founder Brian Houston’s Daughter (and Pastor) “Likes” Her Colleague’s Renunciation of Faith

by | Aug 11, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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Earlier today, Reformation Charlotte reported on one of Hillsong’s most popular songwriters, Marty Sampson, who renounced his faith on Instagram. Again, it comes as no surprise, as Hillsong is a prosperity gospel cult that fails to deliver what it promises — leaving many followers ultimately scratching their heads wondering what happened.

The founder of the modern version of Hillsong Church is Brian Houston — a popular Australian “outback cowboy” type who has a way with words when speaking to crowds of tens of thousands on a regular basis. As primarily a motivational speaker, Houston can quickly garner a following and has himself become rich off his endeavor.

His daughter is Laura Toggs. And she is a pastor of Hillsong Church. According to her bio, she is “the pioneer of Young & Free. Together with her husband Peter, they pastor the youth ministry of Hillsong Church. Laura is a visionary, much like her father Ps. Brian Houston.” In other words, she’s one of the top dogs. And following Marty Sampson’s apostasy earlier today, she “liked” it.

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Now, the only reason you would “like” something like this, rather than be heartbroken over it, is because you don’t see it as a big deal — or you agree with it. What we do know for sure, however, is that in recent months, God has been purifying His bride through a string of public apostasies from high profile professional Christians. Is this just the beginning? Time will tell, but Christians should be prepared for this. It won’t be easy — but God will be glorified.

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