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Todd White Says Man Went To Hell, And Jesus Showed Up in Hell to Save Him

by | Aug 7, 2019 | Blog, News | 0 comments

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And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,

Hebrews 9:27

Todd White is the false teacher and faux faith-healer who is known for his parlor tricks such as leg-lengthening and other fake healings. Todd White tells the story of a man he met who told him he died and went to hell after overdosing on drugs. White says that this man “experienced Hell itself … where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

I overdosed, and I got killed, and I was completely overwhelmed and saw all these monstrous … some kind of light beam came on to me, and it felt really crazy. I didn’t know anything about Christianity, right. All of a sudden this [hovering?] came over me, like a power. I can’t explain it. This feeling came over me, like get on your knees and pray for help, you know…Clouds came down and I heard this voice come up from me and told me you’re my brother. His hands came out and he took me up.

Of course, this fanciful story is completely opposed to what the Scriptures teach. Not only do the Scriptures teach that it is appointed for man to die once, and the then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27), it also says that the only way to Heaven is to know Christ through the hearing of the Word of God preached (Romans 10). This man clearly says that he didn’t know anything about Christianity, yet, for some reason, Jesus left the throne at the right hand of the Father, came down into Hell, and yanked up someone who had never heard of Him.

In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus speaks of a great chasm that makes it impossible to escape Hell or even to warn others of the impending danger of Hell. Once you’re in Hell, there is no coming back.

Folks, this is a false gospel, plain and clear. You cannot be saved once you have entered judgment, and you cannot be saved without the knowledge of the gospel of the true Jesus Christ. The problem is, in classic Satanic cloak, he mixes a little bit of truth with a lot of error here. He gives lip service to being born again but affirms this man’s false story of being saved out of Hell by Jesus after he died.

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Please understand, Todd White is a worker of iniquity. He does not care about the truth. If you are caught up with his fake healings and fake gospel, please exit the building. His lies are captivating and seductive — but his lies are from Satan and will send you to Hell for eternity.

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