Seventh-Day Adventism is a cult — it is not a true expression of Christianity. Founded by false prophet, Ellen G. White, Seventh-Day Adventism adheres to a form of works-righteousness that they call “investigative judgment” whereby they teach that the blood of Jesus “reveals” those who have righteousness of their own. The biblical doctrine of imputed righteousness and substitutionary atonement — that Christ actually died and took the punishment for sinners — is pertinaciously denied in this cult.
Ben Carson, an accomplished neurosurgeon who is well-known for his presidential run in 2016, was invited to speak at Liberty University Friday night commissioning over 20 thousand students.
Ben Carson has openly stated that he is in full agreement with his church’s doctrine, which teaches such heresies and aberrant doctrines such as Jesus is the archangel, Michael, denial of eternal Hell, and soul sleep.
This is not the first time Southern Baptists have had run-ins with cult-member, Ben Carson. Placing right-wing politics over biblically accurate theology, in 2016, former Southern Baptist Convention president, Steve Gaines invited Carson to pray at his church and refers to him as “brother in Christ.” Well-known Southern Baptist pastor, Robert Jeffress calls him an “intelligent, committed Christian,” though Carson denies several of the essential doctrines of the faith.
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In 2015, Carson was invited to speak at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual Pastor’s Conference, whereby he was later disinvited after much pushback from Southern Baptists.
The fascination in Christian circles with those who hold to such aberrant theology is telling about the primary focus on those in these circles. It isn’t just a problem on the politically conservative end of the Christian spectrum, as the progressive outlets, such as The Gospel Coalition and the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission tend to place their leftist politics over biblical theology at an alarming rate as well.