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Charismatic Magazine Accuses Bethel Student Who Was Kicked Out For Opposing False Doctrine of “Witchcraft”

by | Apr 14, 2019 | Blog, News | 0 comments

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One of the devious tactics of the charismatic movement is its insistence on being accepted among the ranks of every professing denomination as a viable substitute for sound doctrine. Continually making the case that they may have “differences” with true Christians who should just gleefully “agree to disagree.” When you oppose their demonic doctrines and speak out against them, they put on an innocent face and play the victim.

A few weeks ago, Reformation Charlotte reported on a student, Lindsay Davis, who was expelled from Bethel School of Ministry for standing up and opposing their blasphemous practices and doctrines. Davis writes,

Why did I get kicked out of Bethels School of Supernatural Ministry? Because I took a stand and spoke out against their false doctrine. I took a stand against their false “Apostles” and “Prophets” and their false teachers. I took a stand against their demonic behaviors and practices. I preached the gospel and called people to repentance. THAT is why I was kicked out. I will be speaking publicly regarding my expulsion very soon. Please be praying that God opens the eyes of these people at Bethel and grants them repentance. Good day, BSSM/Bethel Church.

Bethel School of Ministry is owned and operated by Bethel Church in Redding, CA — which is run by New Apostolic Reformation Apostle, Bill Johnson and his right-hand man, Kris Vallotton. Both of these men are nefarious blasphemers of God. Bethel is known for several parlor tricks, including what they refer to as “glory clouds,” which have been exposed as nothing more than glitter in the ventilation system.

The church’s doctrine is littered with the false prosperity gospel — treating Jesus like a genie in a bottle that died primarily to make us rich and healthy. Vallotton even suggests he can “lay hands” on a broken vehicle to fix it. There really is no end to the lunacy that takes place at Bethel.

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Perhaps the most blasphemous practice of the cult is their practice of necromancy in the form of “grave sucking” or “grave soaking” whereby one lies on the grave of a dead person to literally “suck” the “anointing” out of them.

Now keep this stuff in mind.

Lindsay Davis, the student expelled for opposing this anti-Christian blasphemy has been accused by a charismatic magazine for witchcraft. The Azusa Report writes on Facebook,

Lindsey Davis is a young woman that was kicked out of Bethel’s school. I have seen people posting all types of craziness. Let’s get some facts out there and I am NOT pro-Bethel. I think they are dangerously open to false teachings. 

She believes that everything they teach is false doctrine and has become a pawn for John McArthur. She was asked by a pastor at Bethel to change her ATTITUDE and the accusing spirit she was having. They offer to meet with her again once she dealt with her attitude. 

She continued to attack the leaders, the church and the school claiming they are preaching a false Jesus. (Serious charge) They let this go on for over two weeks before asking her to leave because of her unrepentant heart! 

She simply did not want to discuss the issues logically and reasonably. If she would have done that, she could have walked away blessed and at peace who those whom she disagreed with. 

She did all this to try and make a problem where there was no problem and build a following unto herself. That is wrong and a form of witchcraft

Let that sink in. Bethel practices grave-sucking, tricks people by putting glitter in their ventilation system calling them “glory clouds,” and practices fake healings while treating God like a bottle genie and the girl who speaks out against this is the one practicing witchcraft.


Davis did the right thing and she owes Bethel nothing. Bethel is the one practicing witchcraft and they are teaching and training students to the same. And by the way, Davis is exactly right — Bethel does preach a false Jesus. Bethel is not a Christian Church it is a Satanic cult and should be repudiated by every Bible-believing Christian everywhere. Bethel has no power to “bless” anybody with their soul-damning heresies and those who continue to defend this nefarious organization should repent and believe in the true Jesus.

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