Following a series of articles by Tom Buck at Alpha & Omega Ministries on a widely-accepted “gay Christian” ministry known as Living Out, Russell Moore and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission have quietly removed their endorsement of the ministry from Living Out’s website.
Living Out is a ministry for people who identify as “gay Christians” that supports and promotes unbiblical teachings ranging from gay celibate relationships to single-parent adoptions. Last year, Russell Moore invited Sam Allberry to speak at the ERLC conference where Allberry identified the “nuclear family” as a problem for homosexuals in churches and urged churches to move away from that idolatry and toward a more open, accepting church-family structure. Allberry even suggested that families be open to allowing homosexuals in their churches to babysit their children. Oddly, at the time, the ERLC saw no problem with this.
The endorsement, which can still be seen on the WayBack Machine here, previously read,

The endorsement page at Living Out, which can be found at this link, no longer reflects Russell Moore or the ERLC’s endorsement.
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Tom Buck reports on Twitter:

Reformation Charlotte, Pulpit & Pen, and many other organizations have been highly critical of Sam Allberry’s ministry and the ERLC, TGC, and other Evangelical ministries like Ravi Zacharias associated with this ministry for a number of years. You can read about that here. However, Tom Buck did an excellent job of extensively researching and documenting the serious theological errors and even heresies that reside within Living Out.
While we hope that this is a move in the right direction, history shows that the ERLC, TGC, and other social justice-inclined organization tend to only act when backed into a corner — and then only act quietly. As of the time of this writing, the ERLC or Russell Moore has not made an official statement regarding this move. Also, at the time of this writing, Allberry’s materials still exist on the ERLC website.
Listen to JD Hall’s commentary here.
Stay Tuned!