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The Gathering, A “Reformed Church” Where You Can Believe Whatever You Want, as Long as it Isn’t the Bible

by | Jan 26, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Sodomite “churches” are springing up everywhere. The world has been given over to its depraved passions and lusts. The world hates God and rebels against Him. But it is a fairly new phenomenon that the people who do this now often cloak it in some kind of religious garb and will identify as followers of Christ, when clearly, they are not.

This is the case with The Gathering in Cardiff, Wales. Interestingly, this isn’t a PCUSA or a United Methodist Church. It touts itself as a Reformed church. Of course, their statement of faith is anything but Reformed–or anything resembling Christian for that matter. According to their website, “gay” and “Christian” cannot only peacefully coexist but is a blessing from God.

Can you be LGBT+ and Christian? This is a question that we are often asked, and in short, our answer is a very big and clear ‘YES!’. However we also know that many of you will want to understand how we have come to that conclusion.

We will build a database of some relevant quotes to scripture in here, but as we are still building our website, we thought we would share a few links with you.

Basically, in this synagogue of Satan, anything goes, except the Bible. Below is a video tour of this God-hating congregation.

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