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Jesuit Catholic Church Holds Pro LGBT Mass

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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As if the worship of a cracker in and of itself isn’t blasphemous enough, the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols held for the second time a Mass welcoming LGBT+ Catholics, parents and families, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Sunday, 13 January, at Farm Street Jesuit Church in London.

The Roman Catholic Church has been heading toward homosexual affirmation for quite some time. In 2013, Pope Francis rhetorically asked, “if someone is gay and searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”

According to one report, Vincent, a pro-homosexual Jesuit, downplayed sexually deviant behavior and vile affections among its attendees.

In his homily, Cardinal Vincent Nichols referred to the radical identity which all Christians have by their baptism, transcending all other identities. The community of Church, formed by baptismal unity, is rooted in love, and this is lived out in profound commitments of friendship, including marriage and family life.

In this he echoed his recent Pastoral Letter to Westminster Diocese: Being ‘at home’, in its obvious sense, is to be in the circle into which we were born, bringing together the generations of which we are a part. Yet, ‘at home’ also means celebrating all the love and friendships that sustain us. It includes embracing again the important life-choices we have made, the duties of faithfulness and its graces, too …… a moment for thanking God for the family, the families, to which we belong, be they bonds of flesh and blood, bonds of friendship, or bonds created by freely given commitments, including the promises of religious life. The word ‘family’, then, is capable of including many different patterns and dimensions of life, and some bring with them the experience of sadness and failure. (30 December 2018)

The celebration concluded with food and beer.

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