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PCA Church Hosting Lesbian Trans Event Claims They “Didn’t Know”

by | Jan 14, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Last week Reformation Charlotte reported on South City Church in St. Louis, a PCA church pastored by Mike Higgins, that is planning to host a transgender activist Lesbian for the purpose of teaching us how to “appreciate” and “celebrate” the lives of sexual deviants. We followed up by reporting that Higgins’ daughter, who is also the worship leader at South City Church, preached a sermon at a youth event in 2015 where she spoke of Jesus in sexually inappropriate ways, referring to him as a “trans-person of color” and “not heterosexual.”

According to a statement at South City’s web site, the event has been canceled due to “being made aware” of event details that don’t line up with their “theological convictions.”

In the past few days, the session and pastoral staff of South City Church became aware of details concerning an event that was to be hosted on its property on January 20th, 2019 sponsored and organized by Faith for Justice, a Christian advocacy and social justice organization. Upon being informed of the details of the event, the session and pastoral staff met and determined that some of the planned elements within this particular event appeared to be inconsistent with South City Church’s theological convictions. We have thus determined that South City Church’s facility should no longer be used for the Faith for Justice event originally scheduled for January 20th.

However, we find it highly doubtful that South City was “unaware” of the details of the event, given the lead pastor’s long-standing relationship with with them.

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The lesbian that was to be hosted at South City Church is Jay-Marie Hill who holds the title of Transgender Education and Advocacy Program Coordinator at the ACLU and according to their website, is “an activist, musician, and educator who lives a life designed to help our world ascend beyond gendered and racialized norms. Hill founded Music Freedom Dreams to build systemic change in queer and trans communities around the country.”

Higgins is also Adjunct Professor of Applied Theology and Dean of Students at Covenant Theological Seminary and serves on the board for Faith for Justice who is sponsoring the conference.

It has been brought to our attention that this sexually immoral transgender activist has actually been closely involved with South City Church for quite some time, as this will not be the first time she’s taken the stage there. In the following video, you can see Jay-Marie Hill playing the saxophone at South City Church (as the camera pans to the right) while the pastor, Mike Higgins plays the piano (as the camera pans to the left).

Higgins has also been active in the racial justice movement for a number of years, essentially asserting that the church has a responsibility to oppose “white privilege.” Of course, once you open the social justice can of worms, anything is game, and I suppose that’s why we see this church allowing perverts to take the stage.

They’re just one step ahead.

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