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Radical Lunatic Leftist Congresswoman Claims She Heals People the Way Jesus Did

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Cult, News, Politics, Religion, The Church

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Cori Bush, a radical pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, anti-police zealot, is a lunatic leading the “blind people who vote for her” straight into chaos. As a member of the infamous “Squad,” her rise from the Ferguson riots to Congress showcases her commitment to tearing down traditional American values. Bush’s extreme agenda and lack of true leadership reveal her as nothing more than a dangerous blind guide.

Despite this, and get this, not only does Bush claim to be a Christian, but she claims to be a faith healer. Literally, she claims that she has performed miracles and instantly healed people in the same way that Jesus and the Apostles did.

In the clip below, she claims that she once laid hands on a woman with tumors, and those tumors instantly disappeared. Then again, she claims that a child who was born with a brain bleed, and couldn’t walk at the age of three, commanded this child that “you will walk,” and “get up and walk,” and the child started walking.

To be clear, we do believe miracles can happen and we do affirm that God still heals people today. We also affirm the power of prayer and that God can be moved by our prayer. That being said, God’s decision to heal is still His decision, and a work of mercy that He performs under His sovereign control—it is not conditioned upon how much “faith” we have.

That being said, the performing of miracles in the way Christ did while on Earth, and the gift of healing, which was given to the Apostles, does not exist today. And even if the gift did still exist, it was never given to fake, God-hating, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-government radical lunatics claiming to be Christians while acting in a manner that is diametrically opposed to God’s word, ever. Whether it be Bill Johnson, Todd White, Todd Bentley, or Cori Bush—these clowns are nothing more than false prophets on their way to Hell.

Featured Image: By Photo News 247, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=92900980

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