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Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes

by | Jun 19, 2024 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Politics, Social-Issues

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Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated that she lacks any sense of rationality and decency. In a tweet that defies logic, she celebrates “LGBTQI+ children” with a photo of her embracing a man—cross-dressed like a sex worker—at a “pride” event. This isn’t about inclusion—it’s a horrific display of moral bankruptcy.

Imagine the Vice President of the United States endorsing such grotesque behavior, encouraging children to adopt lifestyles suited for adult strip clubs rather than becoming citizens who contribute to society. This isn’t progress—it’s madness.

Harris and her cronies exemplify a dangerous trend where leaders push radical ideologies on our youth, normalizing the grotesque and inappropriate. We wonder why our nation’s youth is so screwed up. This is a blatant abandonment of the responsibility to protect children’s innocence.

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